Every bird has different specifications for building its nest, and all are picky about the location. Some are well camouflaged, and others are in plain sight. Nest structures vary. On the one hand, the kingfishers and violet swallows make burrows in sandy banks where they keep their eggs out of sight. On the other hand, you can not miss Eagles, Owls, and Ospreys’ nests.

The materials they use to make their nests vary as much as the birds. Some use cottonwood seeds, while others build homes with grass and sticks. Whatever material they use, one can’t deny that they are great builders and architects.

They all use them for one purpose: to incubate their eggs. They protect the eggs from the weather and predators. The right amount of insulation varies from bird to bird. In some species, like Mountain Bluebirds, the females are in charge of the building process, while in others, it is a team effort. In other species of birds, like the house wren, the male is in charge of building the nest to impress the female. When the female adds her touches of home-warming, she accepts the male.